TakeMe B2B, B2C, Doctoral School, IOT, Opportunity recognition, Web 2019-07-19T11:19:46+00:00 Context: Finding a parking place is essential for the [...]
Wize B2B, B2C, Doctoral School, Opportunity recognition, Web 2019-07-19T11:20:12+00:00 Introduction: The 2 business cases that we faced during [...]
MyWay B2B, B2C, Doctoral School, Opportunity recognition, Web 2019-07-19T11:20:26+00:00 Overview: Currently available maps do not provide personalized information [...]
EasyGoing B2B, B2C, Doctoral School, Opportunity recognition, Web 2019-07-19T11:34:48+00:00 Executive summary: EasyGoing aims to be the new airbnb [...]
Sirona B2B, B2C, Doctoral School, IOT, Web 2019-05-28T16:34:43+00:00 Description Problem and Trends: Rural areas usually have several [...]
Framed B2C, Doctoral School 2019-05-28T16:37:35+00:00 Description Problem and Trends: When it comes to accessing [...]