Project Description


Problem and Trends:

Rural areas usually have several problems regarding the access to medical services such as hospitals, emergency relief centers, specialized doctors, and even ambulances in some areas. This also can be due to the medically deserted areas, where most of practitioners go to big cities since there is more opportunities and more benefits. Moreover, Europe faces the problem of an aging population. Hence, more and more dependent persons need to have medical assistance, and where they usually need to have medical advises from specialized doctors. Also taking into account that they have limited mobility, they usually do not need to be physically present in front of the doctors, for instance in case of a simple control.

Nowadays, several types of remote medical services are present in the hospitals such as Tele-consultation where a patient speaks with the doctor remotely using an audio/video system.

The efficiency of such system proved it success through several applications in rural areas such as with Saint Pierre-et-Miquelon (Canada), Belle-île (France), etc. Traditionally and currently, medical data, such are patient records, ECG, echography, scanner, picture, etc., are shared through a specific platform owned by the specific hospital or a set of collaborating medical entities. Based on these data, experts can provide answers to the requesting peer which can be a patient or a doctor.


Different type of interaction can be targeted by the current proposition:

  • Patient-to-doctor interaction without any external help.
  • Patient & doctor/nurse-to-doctor interaction with the help of a doctor/nurse present with the patient.
  • Doctor-to-doctor interaction in order to discuss or ask for advice concerning certain medical cases.

Hence, the main pain points that we want to solve with this project is to ease access for patient with needs of chronic follow-up and little mobility to medical expertise with remote consultation enhanced with IOT data.

The benefits of our solutions for patients are:

  • Reduced time to medical expertise.
  • Reduced transportation and logistics.

Benefits for medical services and society are:

  • Reduce distance and time access of medical services in desert medical area.
  • Reduce health services cost.

Business Model

Value Proposition

Based on the analysis of the health market and on personal experience with doctors, especially with specialized doctors, we propose mainly to bring the basic medical services “simple consultation” to the patients. The segment of targeted users is wide since anyone with a need to see a doctor without having to be physically present in front of him/her is concerned. However, we believe that the elderly and dependent persons are the ones that need more attention. Hence, we narrow down the segment of targeted users to them.

The main idea is to provide remote medical support for elderly and dependent persons in order to solve difficulties to access medical services in particular in rural areas. Moreover, one of the main values of our proposition is to facilitate the communication between the patients and the medical support (doctor nurse / etc.), and also to be able to detect anomalies and call/notify the emergency service as soon as possible. We also think a regular doctor for a patient is something really valuable in doctor/patient relationship. With our proposition, we strengthen this relationship of trust with your regular doctor by offering possibility of remote consultation.

The main characteristics of the proposed value are:

  • The newness based on a literature analysis and a preliminary market analysis design.
  • Cost reduction since in our case we aim at reducing the mobility of the patients as far as possible.
  • Time saving.
  • Personal/physical energy saving.
  • Ecosystem saving (less need to use transportation).
  • Social and emotional value proposition, in particular for patients that suffers from chronic and complicated diseases, or for the elderly that wants to be as close as possible to their home and family.

Customer Segments

  1. Patients:
    – Elderly.
    – Dependent.
    – Persons in rural areas.
    – Isolated patients.
    – Have a health issues but still wants to appear valid to other persons.
    – Valid people but with antecedent health issues (heart attacks in the past ).
    – Children recovering (that don’t want to skip a whole day and skip classes just to see a doctor for a 15 minutes).
  2. Medical Third parties:
    – Healthcare systems.
    – Health insurances.
    – Medical support.
    – Doctors in rural areas.
  3. Doctors specialists
    – Nurses.
    – Hospitals.
    – Emergency relief centers.
    – Dependent persons.
    – Anyone in the countryside (rural area).

Revenue Streams

Our revenue will be based on subscription to our services by our customers. Considering three customers of different size (insurance, hospital, liberal practitioner), our subscription will be adapted to their needs and their volume of remote consultation expected accordingly to their patients.

We also have identified several additional services our solution could provide and will impact the subscription cost depending on need of customer:

  • Planning/agenda service.
  • Storage of the records service.
  • Proposition of the available doctors in the surrounding areas.
  • Shipping medicine (with health regulation certification).
  • Storage of medical/personal data (with health regulation certification).


Mathieu LAROZE