Project Description


Problem and Trends:

India, which is world’s largest democracy and a fine melange of people belonging to different religion beliefs having a peaceful lifestyle suddenly, in recent years is experiencing a surge in crimes against women. Statistics from National Crime Records Bureau of India depicts that in 2015 approximately around 100,000 cases of violence against women have been reported and out of that almost 55-60% are reported from the National Capital New Delhi. We have conducted one on one interview with women from age groups of 16 to 40 years comprising the students and working sections and more than 90% responses confirmed that the problem exists.


We strongly believe that, we the young generation of the society, the onus is on us to bring a positive change and we ardently feel that this should be culminated .With strong belief and tireless efforts the talented and smart engineers of Push4Help come up with a potential solution of this menacing problem with a state of art security concept which is basically a warning device that has ability to alert people, nearest police patrol and friends around the distressed person. This is the first device of its kind that involves strangers and also rope in policing authorities. It will send the locations to the mentioned people. This device comes with a userfriendly companion app which has a smart route finder that helps the people to reach the person in distress quickly and take swift action. This device is initialised in three ways either by pressing button, or by voice or just my dropping the device in extreme distress situation, the state of art sensors of the product gets activated and sends your location to the people around you, police and friends. Also this device comes with customisable feature with which it can be embedded into a jewelry, accessory, mobile phone cover etc.

Business Model

Value proposition

We are building a security concept that can be used as a wearable device or customised in jewellery, accessory, mobile etc according to the need of the customer. It can be used by any one may it be a child or women or men or senior citizen but, most importantly we are focused on women because we just cannot ignore the statistics and this shows that the women are subjugated.

Customer segments

Our customer segment is women belonging to age group of 16 to 40 years of age having outdoor interactions. Mostly this customer segment belongs to students (high school students, university students) or working professionals who spend at least 8 – 10 hours outside their homes, travel etc. Our initial market is New Delhi (national capital of India).

Revenue streams

We are selling our product through the under mentioned channels

  1. Retail Stores
  2. Supper Markets
  3. Online platform partnerships
  4. Our own Push4Help online platform

We will sell our device in four versions.

  1. Customisable upgradable version
  2. Customisable non- upgradable version
  3. Non Customisable upgradable Version
  4. Non Customisable non- Upgradable Version


Ravish Aggarwal

Said Ibrihen

Thiruvikkiraman Pandurangan