Project Description


Problem and Trends:
When it comes to accessing photos on a smart device users have at least one of the following two problems:

  • Difficulty in finding or organizing pictures on their mobile phones (e.g. it takes them a lot of time to find a correct picture, or they have to scroll through a lot of pictures to get the one they are looking for).
  • Problems receiving friends’ pictures after a trip or an event (e.g. a user goes to a trip to the beach with his friends, but then some of them don’t send him the pictures).

Our application would rely on artificial intelligence to learn which are the most important pictures for the user, and to make them easy to find. It automatically creates photo albums based on a trips and events, by analyzing the patterns in pictures’ metadata. The application would then create a photo summary of each album, considering both the pictures the user accessed the most, the ones that were shared more often, and also considering which of those capture different aspects of the event/trip (for example a summary would not contain two very similar pictures having the same subjects on the same landscape).

Business Model

Value Proposition

The following is our value proposition:
Provide the users a quick and easy way to find the photos they are looking for in their mobile devices without the need to manually organize them.
We also initially thought about a second one, which is to provide users a way to share their albums of events between their friends automatically by the criteria specified by the user (e.g. share for these friends). However after performing some user interviews we decided to only keep the first one for our business.

Customer Segments

Smart devices users.

Revenue Streams

We plan to base our revenues on two main streams:

  1. We want to monetize our application, but we don’t want to employ advertisements at all, because users tend to avoid applications with
    advertisements, while they prefer apps with a clean interface without any advertisement displayed. Because of this reason we decided to use the library to monetize our application.
  2. Offer premium features as in-app purchase digital products. So people can pay a small amount to have access to the premium features.
  3. If the application gains a significative market share, we can take in consideration creating a service for some companies to have an additional revenue stream, however this is not planned right now.
  4. A possible revenue considered revenue is selling the company to a big company (e.g. Google, Facebook, Flickr) or to a phone manufacturer company (e.g. Huawei, HTC, etc.), which would benefit from our smart photo browsing algorithm.
  5. License the application and phone manufacturers pay us a small fee per phone that have our application installed.


Ahmad Alobaid

Paolo Calciati