Project Description

Executive summary:

EasyGoing aims to be the new airbnb for workers all over the world. By providing a platform where desk and office providers can rent their space to workers living at a close
distance we aim to improve the workers” mobility as well as to reduce traffic congestion and pollution caused by workers going to work with their car everyday.

We first identified customer pains associated to their everyday mobility that we used to create an empathy map in order to understand the need of our customers as much
as possible. From this empathy map we developed our value proposition and designed an experience for our users through the user story.

Then, in our market analysis, we defined our market and evaluate its size. We also watch for our competitors on this same market. Our market is about (co-)working spaces renting and is worth $18 billion just in France !

After we analyzed our market and before to make our business plan,, we use SWOT and PESTLE analysis in order to make a relevant strategy. We divided our strategy in nine points corresponding to each cell of the business model canvas. You will find this strategy in the next section along with a flowchart diagram representing the different interactions within our ecosystem.

Business model:

Customer segments

Generally we can say our target customer segments are three types:

  • Big Companies; that for different reasons looking for to make their workspace much more flexible for their employees
  • Startups; that are in small groups and they are not big enough to provide a dedicated place for their company
  • Freelancers; who work alone in different fields and different levels

However, according to the advantages of the shared workspace that we are looking
for, city authorities are also our potential customer.

Value proposition

There are different value propositions and their differences are depends on the customer segments that our business supports. But generally we can consider the following ones:

  • Minimizing transportation time for employees and consequently traffic congestions in the city
  • Reducing Costs in case of need to buy or rent their own office includes taking care of installing infrastructure.
  • Adding Flexibility in case of renting for one day, week or month.
  • The less movement of employees make them more active and enhance their effectiveness
  • Accessing to experts for high quality advice on a wide range of topics
  • Building a team with some of daily co-workers who work in same field.
  • Impressing the professional Network

Revenue Stream

Three revenue streams is applicable for our business:

  • Membership fees as the main revenue stream.
  • The services and amenities that we can provide in partnership with local businesses, such as caterers, gyms, and technical equipment providers can be another revenue stream.
  • The third one is from leasing space for dedicated events, such as conference rooms.

Costumer relationship

  • We help our customers to connect together
  • We prevent them to waste their time in the transport

Distribution channel

Designing a professional website as well as a comprehensive mobile Application are the most important channels of our business.

Also, considering social medias and supporting the website services as well as our customer relations with social media is our next marketing channel that can be used for
both service providing and advertising.

Cost structure

There are different initial investments that must be considered in the starting point of the business: paying for construction work, furniture procurement and equipment installation, setting up an IT system and network capacities, engineering works etc.

There are also some additional costs that we should consider:

  • Administrative expenses as well, including those relating to the legal side of things.
  • Operative costs related to rent, utilities and maintenance, including the relevant property taxes.
  • Investing in marketing and advertising Cost structure

Key Partners

From different point of views different entities and parties are out potential partners:

  • Office providers who have some free spaces can schedule hiring them to others people out of their companies
  • Metropolitan administrators can support us by offering tax reductions to participating companies and even some subventions to improve mobility in the region
  • Local food and drink providers can offer our customers access to coffee, refreshments, snacks etc.
  • Local restaurants also can be our partner to jointly host dedicated events in our spaces.

Key activities

Our main activity is to develop a platform to to connect desk provider and office worker. Other important activities will be to make sure employees can work remotely in
good conditions and that it follows the work regulations. There will be an important part of marketing and sales activity too.

Key resources

Our key resources are people. From one side, we have our team that have the necessary skill to build such a platform. In the other side, we have our community that share and rent desk from each other.


Valentin GERARD (InCube)

Kamel ATTOU (FogGuru)

Hamidreza ARKIAN (IDSL)