Our mission is to develop a space where education, research and business may interact and trigger innovative ventures. Surrounded by numerous stakeholders, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship center is a unique tool for fostering the local and European synergies needed for an education aimed at value creation and addressing societal challenges through new technologies.
[Université de Rennes 1] EIT Digital Summer School – Unleashing the Power of Circular Data!
Summer School started today in Rennes with a really interesting Keynote Presentation from Nadinè Galle who holds international degrees in ecology, evolutionary biology, and earth sciences from the universities of Toronto, Singapore, and Amsterdam. During these two next weeks, students will work in teams on different projects based on business cases provided by startupers, entrepreneurs, professionals… To all of them: good luck with the hard work and have fun!
[Université de Rennes 1] EIT Digital Summer School – Digital cities
From July 1st to 12nd was held the second Summer School in Rennes with a really interesting Keynote Presentation on the 1st day from Carlos Moreno, International expert on smart cities, “For a human smart city”. During these two weeks, Students worked on teams on their projects. They also had the opportunity to spend time in Saint Malo and Le Mont St Michel during two days. Congratulations to all participants and thanks to people who helped us to build the second Eit Digital Summer School in Rennes!
[Université de Rennes 1] EIT Digital Summer School – Digital cities
From July 1st to 14th was held the first Summer School in Rennes with a really interesting Keynote Presentation on the 1st day from Dr Igor Calzada “From the smart cities to the experimental cities? Techno-political predictive data-analystics for the pervasive urban algorithmic realm”. Students worked hard on their projects but also spent a weekend in Saint Malo and Le Mont St Michel. Congratulations to all participants and thanks to people who helped us to build the first Eit Digital Summer School in Rennes!