Project Description


The report is focusing about an entrepreneurship plan of a startup called ConnectCom. This startup is planning to provide email based solutions for email users such
as employees and organizations. The ConnectCom team identified two main problems involve in email communication within the organizations. First, it is addressing the complexity involving in managing emails in the email clients. Second, it’s addressing monitoring inefficiency of email communication of an employee.

ConnectCom is providing two seperate tools to overcome these issues. In order to address the first problem it is providing a tool which will help employees in order to make more flexible email management (inbox management) where the incoming emails are easily classified under specified user interfaces (Tabs) for easier search and retrieval.

Hence, in order to address the second problem, it is providing an email based monitoring system for an organization in order to understand the email communication performance of a particular employee. This will lead to measure the key performance of that employee based on the number of emails he/she received and replied by him/her to a particular customer or stakeholder within a certain time interval. As a result, the employer or supervisor can easily identify inefficiency of email communication of a particular employee.

Email communication in business will be used for internal and external communication of the company. According to the recent ​project evaluation criteria indicates “40% of IT projects failure because of poor communication within the team”. “The effective communication will keep the business smoother and increase productivity”​​ . Therefore, ConnectCom gives insights into running business smarter according to the functionalities needed for more effective and efficient email communication.

The solution for analysing the email communication performance of employees will help to identify and notify the poor email communication channels of an employee to the
employer or project manager who has rights to check the performance of employee. This tool will generate a statistical data an automated manner without violating the employee’s privacy. However, the company which is desired to buy this solution make aware of employees about their monitoring activity in order to protect the employee’s privacy.

The vision of ConnectCom is to ​ enable effective and positive changes in organizational email communication culture and innovation to ensure growth in the Company’s productivity. Thereby, its providing solutions for Business to Business(B2B) market and objectives to reach market by direct and digital marketing initiatives.

Business model:

Value Proposition

ConnectCom seeks to alleviate the pains associated with managing mailboxes particularly in the case of individuals who receive a lot of email largely because of their work.
With the realization of this problem, we seek to provide a solution to help the individual and also the organization at large. This is especially the case if email communication is part of the KPIs an organization attaches to its employees.

For the Employees: We intend to bring a solution that will help you have an organized email where your communication is easily classified for ease of access and retrieval. We also plan to implement solutions which will learn the workings of your email so that our software can in future get to know some aspects in your email, for example your contacts, how you categorize your email and even some of the key words in your email so that it can help you manage your emails swiftly and in an orderly manner.

For Organizations: We intend to have our software keep track of how employees handle their communication with internal and external entities. For example, do they respond to emails? How long do they take to respond? Is their communication relevant to what they seek to achieve in their work? These are some of the questions our software will help to answer.

Customer Segmentation

The ConnectCom solution mainly focusing the Business to Business (B2B) market. Our main customers will be companies. The tool is addressing mostly the internal and external email communication in an organization. Therefore, our customers will be customers and projects oriented organizations.

Key Activities

In order to introduce ConnectCom to the market we defined the following key activities:

  • Define the product roadmap
  • Doing financial Analysis
  • Develop a prototype of the tool
  • Finding investors and accelerators for the financial support
  • Selecting appropriate vendor for product development
  • Launch the website for the ConnectCom
  • Promoting the product through marketing and finding customers
  • Providing trail versions for free at the beginning of the product launch
  • Continuous development for releasing the following versions of our product.

Key Resource

One of the best resource we have is the very strong individual competence within our team. All team members have a clear understanding about their functional competence and keen to accomplish the vision towards product success.

Key partners

The business of Connectcom is largely the provision of a software solution. Some of the key partners here include software development companies. This is because these are
the companies that we shall approach for those solutions which are beyond our scope of expertise. For example implementing some artificial intelligence(AI) technologies.

Digital marketing solution companies and social media companies. It would be instrumental in helping us push our product to companies and motivate them to buy.

App store companies such as Apple and Android in order to promote our app for professionals who use smartphones.

Cloud Companies: To have our application available in cloud in the near future.


Main distributed channel will be our company’s website. Further, we will promote through email marketing and social media marketing. We will focus most of the digital
marketing channels in order make aware of our product. At the beginning of our product launch, we are planning to direct marketing to the companies located in Rennes and Paris by reaching some companies professional through our friends and family networks.

Costumer’s relationship

At the beginning of our product launch, we will maintain customer relationship only through emails, social media and online chat from our website. However, in the
advancement of our business growth the team desires to have a customer relationship officer for maintaining loyalty with our customers and managing the customer’s queries and complaints in order to provide better customer service for our customers.

Revenue Stream

Our revenue stream will come from the onboarded organizations. We intend to charge the companies per the number of users. The number of subscriptions need for an organization depends on the num of users who’s going to use this solution.


We defined the initial cost of launching our product as Capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operating expenses (OPEX). These are highlighted in the financial analysis section of
this report.


Asha Mubarak

Martin Potel

Mahmoud ElZorkany

Ian Osundwa